Our Children's Ministry at FBC is a very exciting and active part of our church family.
The mission statement for the children here at FBC is simple: To know Him and make Him known. All of our children's programs revolve around this statement.
Our Sunday School hour (8:45 AM-9:45 AM) is packed with fun activities and bible stories that not only grow kid's in their faith but also teach them how to apply it to their daily lives. During our morning worship (10:00 AM-11:00 AM), children 4 years old to 5th grade attend Children's Church. This is a time for children to worship "kid's style" through high energy songs, prayer, our offerings, and a time of Bible study.
During the school year, children have the opportunity to learn about the Bible through games, skits, and music. On Mondays, 2nd and 3rd graders meet for Bible Buddies from 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM. On Tuesdays, 4th and 5th graders come together for ABC (After School Bible Club) from 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM. Students are picked up after school at Bolivar Central High School or can be dropped off at the Fellowship Hall. Children do not have to attend FBC to attend Bible classes!
On Wednesdays, children's programs start at 5:45 PM and end at 7:15 PM. Programming is available for 2 year olds through 5th grade. Our children spend time singing praises to God through choir and learn about missionaries through studies in Mission Friends (2 year old-Kindergarten), Royal Ambassadors (Boys' 1st-5th Grade), and Girls in Action (Girls' 1st-5th Grade).
Our annual Children's Camp is a three day intense, exciting, tiring, God-filled camp. We go to Land Between the Lakes at Brandon Springs in Dover, TN. This is approximately three hours away. The children, youth, and adults are divided into teams of no more than 12 people. This helps us keep a close eye on all the children. We stay in cabins with bunk beds, eat in a large cafeteria, and worship in a large meeting room. We swim, fish, canoe, slip-n-slide, play games, and worship God! This year, Children's Camp is July 24-26. The cost is $90.00 per child, but scholarships are available!